Mixed media painting - making connections with your environment

Tutor Frances Hatch shares the strategies she employs to engage with a place through its materials and involving all of our senses. You are offered ways of being in a place, whether rural, urban or the home you live in, and how to use materials found in these different environments to create original artwork. You are encouraged to adopt a stance of curiosity about your current practice and, through insight gained over the course, revitalise, energise, and go forward with purpose.

Ability: Suitable for all

The minimum time required to watch and respond to the video content and complete the tasks is 12 hours. The tutor also recommends how you can develop your work further so that you can continue to use the skills acquired on this course for future projects.
Access: Six months of online access to all of the course content
Frances Hatch is an excellent tutor - creative, imaginative and challenging.


Frances Hatch 

Artist, curator, lecturer and writer, Frances Hatch is based in Dorset. Her radical landscape practice is site-responsive and specific to place.

She has been associated with West Dean College since 1990 (Short Courses, FDAD, DACC) and was artist-in-residence in 2005. Frances trained at Aberystwyth UCW, Wimbledon College of Art (MA Printmaking) and Goldsmiths’ College. Frances was awarded The Shenzhen International Watercolour Biennial Prize at the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours in 2016

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